4 Best Natural Cure for Heartburn

| Monday, March 30, 2009

Heartburn disease is no longer a small problem. With over 70 million people in United States only, it becoming severe day by day. As I mentioned earlier in the previous post, you don't need pills or any clinical medication to treat your heartburn problem.

I've found another 4 simple heartburn natural cures: -

1. First, you going to need some olive oil, a potato and cabbage. Cut it in small pieces and put it in a recipient with water and cook it for 5 to 10 minutes (I called it Cabbage Soup). Mix it together with some olive oil and the potato.

2. Another rarely know remedy is using raisins. Take 10 raisins and put it in your mouth but don't chew or swallow it. Let it in your mouth for few minutes while swallow the secreted saliva.

3. As I said many times, water is one of the most important elements to cure hurt burn. Drink water as many as you can. Don't drink less than 10 cups of water each day. It can prevent heartburn and even cure it.

4. Last but not least, a dark brown sugar. Just take a tablespoon of it each time heartburn problem happening to you.

Heartburn Natural Cure from Your Refrigerator


This might sound surprising but you actually can make your own remedy reflux simply by using some of the ingredients that you already have in your refrigerator. GERD or gastro esophageal reflux disease can be cured not only by using antacid or addictive medication but also with simple dieting tricks.

Although it's may sound easier by using antacids, it actually can causes more harm than good in a long term. If you don't believe me, just look on the label of you antacid container.

With no further ado, let's get started: -

1. In order to cure GERD, it must start from your esophagus and sphincter. You need to eat only soft foods at the start of the treatment. Don't drink anything else except water for 3 days and stop smoking if you're a smoker.

2. Using honey also increase the effectiveness of your treatment. Eat at least 3 times per day, anytime you like but it is recommended to do it before bed. It can help your tissue to heal quickly.

3. As I mentioned earlier, drink a lot of water especially after every meal and snack.

4. I am sure most of you have heard about this, a red apple also been a highly recommended natural remedy.

5. Using apple cider vinegar is also one of the way to cure heartburn naturally. It helps you stomach to digest food properly because many heartburn patients have too little stomach acid that can caused the problem. Take one teaspoon daily.

Now that you have learned a valuable lesson.

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| Tuesday, March 17, 2009

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